

Follow five teen girls as they make difficult choices about love, sex, and commitment:


… is 17 and pregnant when she finds out her boyfriend is cheating on her.


… is 18 and trying to get over a broken heart. She is hoping a new boyfriend will take her pain away.


… is 16 and in love with her boyfriend, but her dreams don’t include him.


… is 18 and wants to break up with her boyfriend, but she’s not sure she can support her two children alone.


… is 17 and falling in love for the first time, but can she handle a serious relationship?

Watch Boyfriends

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Connect With Us is a comprehensive source for teens and their parents, teachers and friends. The site contains tips, advice from experts, and informative articles on healthy relationships and a healthy you.

“Boyfriends should be required viewing in every high school in America. The stories--told by young people themselves--are educational, sobering, and pack a powerful punch.”

– Bill Albert, The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy

“Producer Sujata Dand approaches her participants with artful openness and without judgment--each has her story to tell; each has learned lessons from which we can all benefit.”

– Dr. Susan Sugerman, MD, MPH, Girls to Women Health and Wellness.

The project is funded in part by the Harold Simmons Foundation and other generous donors from our community.